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Office Renovation 101: Three Big Considerations


An office renovation is a labor of planning, time, and commitment. Old buildings, sprinkled with new needs require you to revamp and improve your office for a more promising future.

There are three main things to consider when you begin an office renovation:

  • Design
  • Materials
  • The construction process

With the help of a trusted construction and building company, you can be sure that your renovation endeavors will not only be successful but far less stressful for you. Now let’s take a look at the key elements mentioned above to give you a better idea of what to expect.

1. Design

Essentially, you should stay on brand as much as possible when revamping your workspace—keep key color choices, maintain the general look and feel, etc. This will ensure that you effectively (and attractively) present your company’s culture in every aspect of the revamp.

Further, you’ll need to ensure that your renovation plans will be convenient and practical for whoever will be using the office. And, of course, you should also have an exit strategy in place for the building to make renovations easier in the future; this means redesigning it for other anticipated practical uses.

It’s not just you; this is a lot to tackle. We suggest that during this stage, you seek the knowledge of an experienced professional. He or she will be able to help you keep organized and focused on the big picture. You’ll also benefit from added assistance in terms of keeping within your budget.

2. Materials

Another vital aspect of office renovation is sourcing materials. First and foremost, you’ll need to figure out what materials you need and where to get them. Where are the highest-quality materials at the best prices? This will take some research and time.

Then, you’ll need to make sure that you don’t make the common mistake of purchasing more than you need. The best way to do this is to hire a construction professional who can take the guess work out for you. He or she will know their way around this field to help you get the best and most resourceful deals.

Also be sure to think ahead for the future. This way, you can plan anticipated renovations or alternative projects in advance using those same materials, saving you money in the long run.

3. Build

The most intricate and labor-intensive task in the process of office renovation is that of the actual building and construction. Again, we recommend you hire a professional, especially if you expect a hefty job ahead. Hiring someone to do this will be an immense help, especially if you’re not too keen on building codes or putting up the actual materials (it’s not your job to be handy with tools, anyway!).

Second, remember to take this process one step at a time. The last thing you need when trying to improve something as important as your office is a stressed, unfocused, and uncoordinated mind. Look at the big picture, and then take it step-by-step and chunk-by-chunk. Try not to start working on too many areas at once and stay organized.

How Can Camm Construction Help?

Camm Construction can to help you out with the design and build for your upcoming office renovation. We serve as a one-point-of-contact vendor and can fulfill your renovation needs. Contact us to find out more about our Kansas City based services and who we are. We would love to hear from you!

Best of luck with all your office renovation endeavors. Stick with it, keep an optimistic and confident attitude, and get the quality renovation assistance you need!

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